Insurance Coverage
Our insurance coverage attorneys have experience analyzing insurance contracts across a broad range of product lines, including general liability, construction, professional liability, auto and garage policies.
We offer coverage opinions that we are prepared to defend in court. In addition, we take a proactive role by monitoring legal developments that affect insurance coverage so that we can offer clients up-to-date advice and counseling regarding the evolving judicial treatment of policy provisions as well as legislative and executive (insurance commission) initiatives impacting policies and coverage.
In addition to providing effective defenses in newly-filed or ongoing litigation, from initial pleadings through appeal, we also keep our eyes on legal, insurance, business, policy and trends that are relevant to coverage, risk management and claim prevention. We provide, at no cost, resources and training to insurance professionals, businesses, and medical professionals to keep them abreast of developments relevant to their lines of work. We invite industry experts to share their expertise with our legal team so that we remain knowledgeable about the various industries and entities that we represent. It takes a village to provide comprehensive and successful legal strategy, and we strive to keep our village populated with knowledgeable, curious, interdisciplinary, and forward-thinking practitioners.